On 23 June, our association, The Montessori School, Kingsley, Inc, held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the 2020 financial year.

The Chair of the Board, the Principal, and the Treasurer reported on the great work that was undertaken by the Board and the staff in 2020, which is a year that yielded amazing growth in student numbers at our school – even amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Constitution mandates that we hold an AGM six months after the end of the financial year, allowing enough time for reporting to take place.

You can access the presentations here:

2020 AGM Principal Report

2020 AGM Chair Report

2020 AGM Presentation

2020 AGM Sub-Committee Reports

2020 AGM Annual Report

Voting matters on the agenda included the proposed new constitution, which had been in the works for over 18 months, as well as the approval of the School’s new auditor; the former was approved by 94.5% of the members and the latter was approved by 90% of the members.

Here is our new constitution; Kingsley Montessori School – Constitution June 2021

We had 30 people in attendance, and we received 25 proxy forms from members who wished to vote on the matters but could not attend.

In addition, the Board thanked Rob Carruthers and Julie Gravel for their time as Board directors as they are both stepping down from their roles on the Board. To replace them, Melinda Shreeve and Mahesh Advani were nominated and elected as new Board directors.

Celine Royet, who has been on the Board since 2016 was re-elected as Board Director but is stepping down from her role as Secretary, so Melinda Shreeve will step into the Secretary role with guidance from Celine.

Our new Board is as follows:

  • Angela Chew – Chair
  • Des Reuben – Principal
  • Hannah Zhang – Treasurer
  • Melinda Shreeve – Secretary
  • Alex Zavros
  • Celine Royet
  • Jarrod Burns
  • Laila Miller
  • Mahesh Advani
  • Tash Tourabaly

The event took place in our new and beautiful lower secondary space, which was built last year to be ready for students at the beginning of 2021.

Members also had the opportunity to ask questions and great conversations followed about the new developments of the School and the vision for the future.